Monday, May 4, 2009

Why do people blog?

Now that I finally have my own blog I thought I should first do some research on why people blog and figure out where I stand in blogger space…Here are some of the reasons I could come up with..
1. Tried a couple of things to become famous, nothing’s worked, so in desperation am trying blogging
2. All the famous and not so famous people are doing it…
3. I have a creative bent of mind and need a medium to express myself!
(roll eyes)
4. I work alone in this big, bad city away from family and friends with no one to talk to(sniff! sniff!)
5. Have watched too much Sex and the City and I think am Carrie Bradshaw reincarnate!
6. I need a personal diary and a world full of losers to read it to..
7. My life’s so interesting so I thought I’ll should share it with my fans..
8. I need to bitch about my friends to people who are not my friends
9. I need publicity for my losing IPL team
10. I care about the world and hence want to make a ‘difference’ through my blog! (RIGHT !!)
11. I just want to see my name on the internet when I search on google!
12. No one likes me in person so am hoping my virtual personality is better liked
13. I just love talking about Me Me and ME..
14. I-am-a-wannabe-and-not-afraid-to-admit-it!
15. My friends donot give me a chance to talk, this is the only place they LISTEN to me..
16. I have NOTHING better to do than chew others’ brains..

Some of the above are inspired by people I know who give these as excuses to write ...the rest are my own..!!


  1. I totally agree... I think Reasons 1,12,13 and 14 are why you've started this blog... :D ... Rolling on the floor laughing....

    On a serious note... Good you started this blog.. Am sure it will be good entertainment!

  2. @ Aashay..U were one of those 'people' who inspired me with reasons 3,11 and THANKS!! COz u the 1st person whos read my blog..I will totally forgive u for being mean..!! :P

  3. Actually blogging is quite similar to photography. Any random person picks up a camera and he/she gets this feeling that he/she was born to do photography. Similarly one sees a keyboard and then all da "creative crap" gushes out. I hope u dont come out with 'creative crap'.

    BTW does reason no 12 remind u of someone? It definately reminds me of someone

  4. sweet Shivangi, how original,you're very own blog :-P.. Now the whole world can bear witness to that obvious talent i've been telling people about 8-) Nice post.Keep writing.

  5. @ Shrijit- Dont torture urself too much with my creative crap!!
    @ AdiK- Awww..Thanks alot!!

  6. I always knew u were the bloggin sorts :P...
    Keep postin...

  7. another brick on the wall!!! what can i say??? I strt one thing, and the whole world follows... but yeah m glad u strted ur own blog... gives me ample opportunity to make fun of u, criticize u n in general keep myself entertained! but good post, n i wud definitely go wid reason 12 in ur case!

  8. @ sim..thanks!! and donot make fun/criticize etc. this is a serious blog for serious discussions..!! :) reasons 3,12 n 15 are totally u..

  9. @ adik...just saw the rolling eyes bit..hmphh..all's forgiven tho!!

  10. 'The pen is mightier than the sword', probably its time to revise that say to 'the keyboard is mightier than the sword', having been able to express oneself, is probably one of the finest ways to know the people of our world, with who we might be able to work together, to make our wold a better place.
