Saturday, May 9, 2009

What's in the name?

Deciding on a name for your blog is the biggest dilemma any self respecting blogger can face.
( I think)
A while back I under went this nerve-racking, earth shattering experience too.
After much
‘hard work’ , ‘deep thought’ and ‘careful consideration’ I finally came up with a select list of names for my soon-to-launched, soon-to-be-famous blog and asked my sister to review the list. (Big mistake!)
She soon got to work and systematically rejected most of the names saying that they just won’t do and insisted that they bore similarities to certain works (read: books/songs) of certain people(Sometimes I think she just fails to recognise the creative genius in me).Others were rejected because they apparently had some sexual connotations attached to them (like I would to something like that..grrr). 
Anyway, I have the original list here and I request you to peruse it at leisure and tell me if anything’s wrong.

Reject List 1
Reason for rejection
: Bear resemblance to some other pieces of fictional work


Reject List 2
Reason for rejectio
n: Inappropriate names


Reject List 3
Reason for rejection: Blogspot refused to register my blog


Reject List 4

Reason for rejection: Sister suggested them I REJECTED them

(btw thats what she calls me now: 'bugging blogger'...hmph!)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Why do we choose not to choose?

The General Elections of 2009 will not be remembered for the many promises (false or otherwise) which our political parties make,or the manifestos which they present, or the speeches which our leaders give, or even for theCheck Spelling shoes which have been thrown at our beloved politicians. But these elections will remembered because this election season has seen a new fashion statement evolve, that of, the little black mark on the index finger indicating that I-have-voted. Today all of Bollywood,the media and the elitist of the elite have stepped out and asked India to caste their vote. So if voting is suddenly a rage and the youth think its cool then what's everybodys problem?
The trouble is that despite the various campaigns, advertisements which are persuading India to vote, and the general excitement surrounding elections, half the country has chosen to stay put at their homes, enjoy the election day holiday and NOT VOTE. 3 phases of polling are over and yet the voter turn out is a dismal
The question then is -why does India choose not to choose?
When Mr. L K Advani fervently demands that voting be made compulsory it makes me wonder that have the rest 50% non voters already made a choice- a choice not to vote? Have they already caste their vote in not casting their vote?

Why cant we accept that not voting is a personal choice which each citizen of democratic India can make?
I don’t say that its alright not to vote because it’s too hot outside, or because you have other ‘engagements’ to attend to , but I do believe that it is alright not to vote if you think none of the candidates in your constituency deserve your vote.
If the idea is just to see numbers throng polling booths on the D-day so that the media can report a cent percent turn out, then the booths should perhaps have an option -‘None of the above’- maybe then the media, the politicians and the public will be happy because the voter turn out will probably (read: definitely) be higher than the current!

Why do people blog?

Now that I finally have my own blog I thought I should first do some research on why people blog and figure out where I stand in blogger space…Here are some of the reasons I could come up with..
1. Tried a couple of things to become famous, nothing’s worked, so in desperation am trying blogging
2. All the famous and not so famous people are doing it…
3. I have a creative bent of mind and need a medium to express myself!
(roll eyes)
4. I work alone in this big, bad city away from family and friends with no one to talk to(sniff! sniff!)
5. Have watched too much Sex and the City and I think am Carrie Bradshaw reincarnate!
6. I need a personal diary and a world full of losers to read it to..
7. My life’s so interesting so I thought I’ll should share it with my fans..
8. I need to bitch about my friends to people who are not my friends
9. I need publicity for my losing IPL team
10. I care about the world and hence want to make a ‘difference’ through my blog! (RIGHT !!)
11. I just want to see my name on the internet when I search on google!
12. No one likes me in person so am hoping my virtual personality is better liked
13. I just love talking about Me Me and ME..
14. I-am-a-wannabe-and-not-afraid-to-admit-it!
15. My friends donot give me a chance to talk, this is the only place they LISTEN to me..
16. I have NOTHING better to do than chew others’ brains..

Some of the above are inspired by people I know who give these as excuses to write ...the rest are my own..!!